JiraPS v2.14
We have just uploaded a new version of the JiraPS module to the Gallery and to GitHub.
We have just uploaded a new version of the JiraPS module to the Gallery and to GitHub.
We have just uploaded a new version of the JiraPS module to the Gallery and to GitHub.
We have just uploaded a new version of the JiraPS module to the Gallery and to GitHub.
We have just uploaded a new version of the JiraPS module to the Gallery and to GitHub.
We have just published a new major version of the ConfluencePS module to the Gallery and to GitHub!
We have just uploaded a new version of the JiraPS module to the Gallery and to GitHub.
We have just uploaded a new version of the JiraPS module to the Gallery and to GitHub.
We have just published a new major version of the ConfluencePS module to the Gallery and to GitHub!
A few days late, but AtlassianPS just turned one. 🎉
Here are a few things we accomplished in the year.
We have just uploaded a new version of the JiraPS module to the Gallery and to GitHub.