JiraPS v2.10

We have just uploaded a new version of the JiraPS module to the Gallery and to GitHub.


This release brings new functionality, improvements and bug fixes that has been submitted by our contributors.



  • Parameter for retrieving information about a specific user with Get-JiraUser (#328, @michalporeba)
    • this implementations will be changed with the next major update in favor of #306


  • Fixed logic of how to retrieve components from project (#330, @lipkau)
  • Fix usage of New-JiraIssue in Jira Environment with mixed classic and “next gen” projects (#337, @nojp)
  • Fixed Get-JiraIssueAttachmentFile to use Accept header based on Mime time of attachment (#333, @wisemoth)
  • Fixed incorrect handling of skip notifications when updating an issue (#339, @lipkau)

Full list of issues can be found in Milestone v2.10.

JiraPS, Release