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Object that describes the users preference on how messages such be displayed.


Object that describes the users preference on how messages such be displayed. These messages can be Verbose, Debug, Warning, etc.

This object must be stored in the AtlassianPS.Configuration under the key Message.


Example: modifying a value

# get the current values
$messagePreferences = Get-AtlassianConfiguration -Name Message -ValueOnly
# change one property
$messagePreferences.BreadCrumbs = $true
# save changes
Set-AtlassianConfiguration -Name Message -Value $messagePreferences

Example: setting custom preferences

# create a new object with default values
$messagePreferences = [AtlassianPS.MessageStyle]@{}
# save it
Set-AtlassianConfiguration -Name Message -Value $messagePreferences



A new object of type [AtlassianPS.MessageStyle] with default values can be create by calling it without any parameter.

New-Object -TypeName AtlassianPS.MessageStyle

Positional Parameters

A new object of type [AtlassianPS.MessageStyle] can be created by providing a value for the properties.

The order is: Indent, TimeStamp, BreadCrumbs, FunctionName

New-Object -TypeName AtlassianPS.MessageStyle -ArgumentList 0, $true, $true, $true
[AtlassianPS.MessageStyle]::new(0, $true, $true, $true)


A new object of type [AtlassianPS.MessageStyle] can be create by providing a hashtable with the desired values for the properties.

    Indent = 0;
    TimeStamp = $true;
    BreadCrumbs = $true;
    FunctionName = $true



A numerical value representing how many whitespaces should be used in the message line when using breadcrumbs.

Must be a positive natural number.

DataType: UInt32
Default Value: 4


Switch for showing the timestamp in front of the message.

The timestamp uses the format: HH:mm:ss (24 hours)

DataType: Boolean
Default Value: True

Switch for showing breadcrumbs of the function which is showing the message.

The breadcrumbs represent the nested calls of the functions. By enabling this, one can easily understand dependencies between functions.

DataType: Boolean
Default Value: False


Switch for showing the name of the function which is showing the message.

DataType: Boolean
Default Value: True